From the bottom of my heart

Mine is a testimony and lesson learnt that I wish to share. My journey starts from a simple statement: I have had a habit of being a “control fanatic”.

I left High school with an A- and was very proud of myself. I knew the world would flow into my very carefully strategized plans nothing could ruin where I was headed. My first hitch my dad fell slightly ill and was unable to pay for all my tuition. At this point in my life I had to look for a part-time job to supplement for my tuition. I had since been introduced to the Novena of St. Josemaría and this was the first time in my life that I actually felt I had lost control of it. Call it “immature youth” but it taught me my first big lesson. I knelt before God without losing hope and trying to keep the doctrine I had learnt from childhood (my parents are very staunch Catholics) for 7 days and my first miracle came: I found a part time job in the same university I was studying at. By now in 2006 I was slowly beginning to release my control grasp to God slowly learning how to trust in a higher being. I managed my new job and passed through University but still kept the Novena close at heart. Days turned into years and I grew stronger in the formation classes I went through while in campus. I later got my second job miraculously still through the same Novena in 2009. At this time St. Josemaría (our Father) was for lack of another word: my “Hero”. I could pray every day for God’s Grace to help me love Him daily through my daily work I still can’t explain where this strength came from.

In 2011 I got the best and most important thing I have in life (well second to God obviously) I found a partner a friend and later to be my husband. I got married and God still opened the doors for me. This time round my husband worked in Mombasa while I was in Nairobi (like over 500Kms apart). As young love would have it it was very hard to be apart. Again I said the Novena and against all odds I got a job in Mombasa in 2012. My gratitude to God grew and grew. In pursuit of my career I later prayed for growth and advancement through the same Novena prayer and in March 2016 I got another better job. This is my miracle today that I want to share.

All I can say I have fully learnt to let God take charge and believe in prayer and supplication. The teachings of sanctity given in Opus Dei have remained alive in my heart and I continue praying that I may live following the teachings of our Father - St. Josemaría. Saint Josemaría – Pray for Us. Thank you.

A.K , Kenya